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Tarlan Azar

The Language of Architect

The architects transform their ideas from fantasy to imagination and from imagination to reality, in this way using many methods, sketching is one of them.

Sketches express the designer's way of thinking about architectural designs, which creates a unique and pure design in architecture also provide a great opportunity to create creative and innovative designs easily and quickly.

In design, each architect has a unique style to be able to present it in the best way, they bring it from their mind on paper to take it one step closer to reality. With the help of smooth and curved lines, they strengthen the sense of space and give spirit to the place by adding color and figure.

Every design influenced by the past, tradition and culture, thus, changes over time and takes a new form. Each form starts from a cube that defines the space for the architect and architect shapes it by decreasing, increasing and accompanying other volumes.

Tarlan Azar


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