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NoName Architecture


Being the universal access to education our premise, we chose the Canhoeiro tree as a project genesis by constituting it as the first educational infrastructure available on the site. The shaded spaces under the trees have offered a qualified natural support for the social life of African communities, so we decided to incorporate that historical tradition by establishing the tree as the heart of the project and cultural sign of educational encounter organizing the operations that will conform around it.

The proposal looks to discover the site by creating a map of educational territories, such as routes that establish sequences of use according to various specific activities. Considering the natural slope of the land, we generate a series of terraces to avoid large operations of soil movement on which the educational program is grouped according to the degree of relationship of uses. The different levels of the school are connected through two main circulations that resolve through ramps, thus guaranteeing accessibility to the entire property. From these connectors access to common areas that group and distribute to the covered programs.

To achieve a flexible distribution of the program, the project was organized from a square grid, equivalent to the educational module of a classroom. Playing with the light, through total obscurations in the specific programs as well as galleries and trees that filter the passage of sunlight in the common areas, various possible environments are offered with the aim that children have multiple spaces to choose from, inhabit and be able to appropriate them. Scale and identity, offering areas of mediating education between man and nature.

The east-facing and light west facing planes that reach the official lines of the property are associated and constitute a sort of perimeter fence that outwards offers a unified reading of the project. A perimeter folded tape that contains the school and is installed as an institutional identity and new built reference that understands the characteristics of the site.

The materiality of the project accounts for the local technique and materials available, thus involving the active participation of the local community and legitimate appropriation of the work. The technology of the enclosures was designed based on the climatic conditions to which it is exposed, such as cyclones, rains and solar incidence.

Investing in sustainable educational infrastructure today is investing in the environmental and social future of tomorrow.


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