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Mechanism such as flexible systems in architecture


Since its inception, the clock has been characterized as a system where the pieces are in solidarity with each other, which is why concepts such as rhythm, proportion, system and flexibility are reflected in the fundamentals of this project. The Mechanization of elements responds to the way of seeing the modular architectural problem, so the concepts mentioned above respond to a new logic, where new patterns order the design made. The clock together with the architecture share key concepts for the creation of new morphologies and their subsequent formation of elements in their entirety.

Vertical housing, defines a new concept of vertical housing, the module and the proportion as an element that configures the tower and the reuse of new environmentally friendly forms, such as the green wall for the reduction of C02, noise, temperature. The reuse of greywater for irrigation. The macro module that is formed in the tower to generate sectors divided by common spaces represents the capacity of a building to densify according to different user needs For the development of the project, several strategies were used where the different ideas that structured the proposed vertical building were started. These standards establish the steps to be followed that were used to understand the shape of the house and the new factors that will define the different elements for the total unit of the system. The first strategy was to establish the building as a balancing mechanism, to generate different proportional modules where the pieces are in solidarity with each other, what the strategy seeks is to generate a total unit within the building, the pieces are part of a system where they work together for the whole set. Each piece is important in the system because if one of them does not work the building and the mechanism begins to fail.

The second strategy to follow was the proportion from the 1/6 clock mechanism and reincorporate them in the size of the modules, thus generating different types for different users, this generates that depending on what people need, a different form will be generated in its entirety . For this reason, the user is key to be able to generate the total form and thus deliver information allowing the modules to be in solidarity with each other. The third strategy for the project is flexibility in the whole allowing the different forms that can be delivered to the user. This allows the building to have a b and c shape, generating and enabling the differentiation of users by the different places where it can be located. The idea of this strategy is to be able to understand the building as a great system where flexibility is part of it. We are used as a society to generate static non-movable buildings, the opposite of what is needed today. For the fourth strategy, the main problems posed by a vertical ghetto were analyzed, among its many problems such as (overcrowding, broken system, high density, high public space), it was concluded that the latter the public space in Height is completely neglected in these densified dwellings. In the vertical ghettos there are different types of users, especially those who live above the tenth floor of the building, these users to go down to ground level must do twice the work of one of the lower floors. For this reason, the idea is where the public space generates interior spaces in height for the internal user where the highest floors also have a space in height where they can live and be.


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