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Emiliano, Sabrina y Luciana

Habitar La Forma

Colegio Tecnologico De Sustentabilidad

The project is located in a neighborhood of the City of Córdoba, Argentina. It is a sustainable school with Waldorf pedagogy (characterized by learning through play and in nature). We merge these two characteristics and lead to a SELF-EFFICIENT project both energetically (solar electric energy, and solar water heating), and in the collection and treatment of water and organic waste. We include gardens, compost and a greenhouse, to create our own food of plant origin, and contribute to the care of our environment. All this is synthesized in a habitable roof. In the function of the building, three wings are proposed on the ground floor for flexible use of learning, and two wings interspersed with the previous ones, which have a series of patios and services. The patios at different points are for technical / recreational use: gray water treatment, rainwater collection and sewage treatment by means of biodigesters. "Nothing is hidden, yet it is taught." On the other hand, they serve to capture natural lighting in sunny hours, avoiding artificial lighting. One particularity is that a space for worship is designed for the neighborhood, which can also be used as a dining room and macro-neighborhood use. This makes our roof rise and open towards a street, allowing the opening of one face of the façade towards it with a constant interrelation with the public space. This multifunctionality is located under a large habitable roof, which is the protagonist of the project, allowing the main educational-sustainable activities within it. On the first floor there are activities to support the classroom space such as libraries, canteen, laboratories and high courtyards. In the second, and last floor, other areas complementary to the school are included where professionals, university students and scientists intervene (INTERDISCIPLINARY), to carry out orchards / that allow healthy eating to the neighborhood), greenhouses, seed bank, germplasm laboratory , and a technical pedagogical space on energy and water where the objective is to learn about alternative methods through experience. The solar energy captured by the solar panels located in the central circulation wing, not only serve to provide the school with electricity, but also to provide energy to a sector of the neighborhood destined for public lighting. We do not close ourselves only to our lot and project, we propose to interact with the environment where the school is inserted and thus contribute to its social use.

1 Comment

Sabrina Degiorgi
Sabrina Degiorgi
Nov 29, 2020


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