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SK Arquitectura

A.A.R – The Amazonian Ancestral Reservation

The A.A.R is a Housing architectural project thinked in Leticia. Leticia is a township located in Colombian amazon with a lot of cultural diversity, flora, fauna and greats water components, recognized to be a part of the world lung. On it territorial and geographic context, and it location on the limit south of the country, is recognized about one of the most disconnected township too.

whitin the main issues that hit the territory, we found the natural disasters, the local and national territory discconection and the evident abandonment of the goverment.

The high presence of aboriginal communities on this place has caused a lot of difficulties for the goverment to response succesfully the problematics without breaking down the ancestral traditions. Between this aboriginal communities, the Tikunas and the Cocamas show us the frontier breaking off, starting about their communication through natural and anphibious enviroment.

We undestand then how the territory structure is demarcated through of a synergistic triad between city-rurality-aboriginal reservation.

Understanding and interpreting through exploration, we developed a system that is consolidated under the principle of ancestral housing, this in order to strengthen, recover and project the same community and its customs in the future. The constructive culture as a principle of the community serves as a fundamental principle for the technifyness of the building. The undefined spaces through flexibility allow the house to acquire its own character according to the family activity, highlighting the original and ancestral spatiality.

The complementary sets are transversal pillars that solidify our proposal. One of them is the battery dock where technology and water (a natural element) come together, provide clean energy support to the community. The ecological contemplation, as an original and aboriginal cosmogonic symbol and is shared with Westerners or white men as they call them and the housing complex that represents the unity they have as an aboriginal community, ensuring the transmission and transcendence of its traditions to future generations.

The A.A.R project designed for a natural and human reunion, setting to Leticia and Colombia an example of non-conflict from the energy and pride of our ancestral cultures.


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